Monday, August 13, 2012


OK- I’m going to have a little GRRR moment.

I cannot believe HOW MUCH MONEY some people pay for online programs.....

So here it go's, People out there ( mainly woman) pay $85 dollars, sometime even more for a emailed program, not even a specific program, I’m all for do what you need to get healthy but everything you need that they send you, you can find on the net, clean eating recipe’s are everywhere.

You should know what is right to eat. It’s not rocket science it is just common sense.

Any eating plan or lifestyle change to you eating that tells you to cut out a food type is WRONG! Most I have read tell you to cut out carbohydrates, some fruit, and alcohol.

Our bodies need carbs they are what we use for energy. I mean look at the population of the world that eat RICE or PASTA as their main source as food, most of them are not fat. They move more to burn of what they eat.
People that play sports, need to eat more and eat lots of carbs, the more you move the more you can eat.
The energy that you put in your mouth has to be less than the energy you use and you will lose weight. If you eat crap and eat lots of fatty food and sugary foods you will not lose weight.

I don’t understand why people need to pay loads of money to hear this.

I understand a personal trainer because they push you when you can’t push yourself; they also make you accountable to someone other than yourself so in no way am I talking about personal training here.

I’m talking about programs where you sign up, pay your money, and they send you all this common sense information. They are great for support with all of the other thousands of people on there and awesome for recipes that you can get but other than that, you’re paying for NOTHING people. You can find everything on the net.

What’s more is that people change their eating after paying someone to tell them to stop eating shit, then they get on their pages and write these awesome reviews I change my eating and I thank this plan cause I’m losing weight.

Their are lots of free great site's out there that give you clean eating guide...
 One of my fav's is Happy health Gigi
So there is 2 pages that ill give you for free.

REMEMBER DIET IS 80% of weight loss. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012



1kilo sweet potato-peeled and cut into small cubes
1/4 cup celery (cut into small pieces)
4 tomatoes (cut into small pieces)
2 carrots (cut into small pieces)
1 red pepper (cut into small pieces)
1.5 liters of vegetable stock
1 cup of lentils
1 tsp good fresh chilli
2-4 cloves of garlic
1 tsp fresh ginger
Sea salt and pepper to season

Put sweet potato in to stock and boil add salt and pepper.
Add lentils, celery, tomatoes simmer for 15 mins

Add the ginger, garlic and chilli. Boil for a further 5-8 minutes
If it is way too thick you can add more boiling water.

You can either blend or eat as is :)
I make double so I can freeze it in portion sizes and just pull out when I’m hungry and have no time to cook.
Tash x

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lentil Quiche

Now this is high protein, low fat, and the kids and hubby will love it and easy!

1 large onion, chopped
2 table spoons olive oil
1/2 cup of dried lentils
2 cups water
2 cup broccoli, cut into florets
3 tomatoes
4 eggs beaten
2 teaspoons mixed herbs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup shredded cheese
Salt and pepper

Pre heat oven to 190degrees

Place olive oil and onion in the bottom of a pie dish.
Bake for about 15 minutes or until onion is soft

Place the lentils and water in a saucepan and boil for 20mins or until lentil are tender.

Drain almost all the water out leave a little in the bottom, place in broccoli on top of the lentils cover and cook for 5 mins.

Add the lentils, broccoli, tomatoes to the pie dish with onion, stir in cheese.

In a bowl whisk eggs, milk, salt and pepper and herbs, pour into pie dish.

Bake for 45mins or until firm

Cool for a few minutes before slicing



As a health and fitness professional it is hard to keep up with all the new DIETS and crazes, you have to read continually and research NEVER stops. So Part of being good at your profession is that you can distinguish what’s basically a load of crap and what COULD actually work for some clients.

There is so many let’s talk about a few:
Ashy Bines "clean eating plan" - the latest of the ones going around in OZ at the moment. It is basically the same idea as "body trim" Cut out almost all carbohydrates, sugars, and processed food etc and only eat FRESH-MADE FROM SCRATCH food.
The benefit with the ashy bines is that there is a massive net work of support facebook page where you can discuss your progress, swap recipes, get motivation, and give motivation. And she also has cardio classes all over OZ.  Just quietly I had of wish I started up something like the "ashy bines" lifestyle eating plan.

Body Trim is basically the same eat only fresh food, no carbs, high protein, and also does the same measuring no scales, and walking as you exercise to start with. He gives you some pretty good simple recipes in his book!

Then there are all the diets where you have to count calories and you have a daily calories intake. This works for people that that way over eat and have no idea. It makes people accountable for what they put in their mouths- in saying that a food diary will basically do the same thing. I make all my clients do a food diary for a few "normal" days so we can sit down and go through it and it is amazing how much people actually SNACK and don’t realize.

Organization is the key to eating well- if you are un-organized and have nothing ready you end up eating something processed, quick and easy which is normally full of FAT, CARBS, or sugar or ALL.

Things like weight watchers is OK, but YOU need to learn how to prepare your own healthy low fat fresh healthy food, how long are you going to be on weight watchers? Forever? NO! So as soon as you come off it you go back to your old ways and eat like you did when you got fat or UN healthy!
Look to sum it up is that it is really easy, I don’t think you need to pay someone to tell you how to eat healthy, you know what good eating is, low fat, low or no processed foods, and lots of fresh foods. MOVE GET OF YOUR BUTT - IF YOU DIDNT KNOW THIS YOU MUST NOT HAVE GONE TO SCHOOL.

It’s a good idea to get a trainer, to push you to your limits and to be accountable to someone. Everyone is different, different things work for different people!



Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lentil and spinach soup

Now this is NOT something I would normally cook but I tried it and loved it......

300g brown lentils wash really well
Can of chickpeas - don’t forget to wash them really well
3 stalks of Celery sliced
2 leeks sliced
2 onions
3 cloves of garlic pressed in garlic press
2 carrots chopped small
600g spinach chopped
Half a lemon juice and zest
Splash of olive oil
2 liters water

Place the lentils in a pot with crushed garlic and 2 liters of cold water
Cook for 25 minutes or until tender.

In another pot heat olive oil and add all the vegetables leaving the spinach and chickpeas out cook for about 12 minutes then add the lentils and their water to the vegetables. simmer for 20 minutes until it is like a nice soup consistency then add chickpeas and spinach and salt and pepper simmer for another 7 minutes adding extra water if needed.

Enjoy TASH xxx


Ok so it helps me to divide our plates up in 3 sections

1. Vegetables- These should be non-starchy vegetables that are multicolored!! The more color on your plate, the better!! This should take up half of your plate.

2. Protein is your next section. Chicken, beef, pork, lamb, ham, turkey, any lean meat and egg. This should be a little over 1/4 of your meal.

3. Carbs-brown rice, cous cous, quinoa, (steer clear of bread, white rice and pasta with weight loss) try to avoid any Carbs at night time.

A few notes-
 Try and limit Carbs to morning and lunch stay clear at night time.
Potato is a starchy carb cut them out if you can all together
Eat the whole egg- the best part for you is the yolk

My Quick Lunch Time Salad

I find that if I wash all my veggies and then put them in the fridge it makes things a lot quicker for me during the week. I also wash and pull apart my lettuce and keep in zip lock bags. You can also chop up all your salad stuff and keep in the zip lock bags or fridge containers for the week so it’s easy when you want it fast!

Spinach leaves
White cabbage
Carrot grated/chopped
Capsicum (any colour)
Feta cheese
Sun dried tomatoes
Boiled egg
Tin plain tuna in spring water
I put a little sweet chili sauce on mine once made, you can use a vinegar mix if you prefer!

Cut up all the ingredients in to bite size bits mix and enjoy

Tash xxx